Our practice is open!
The entire practice team is still there for you. All appointments will take place as planned. Otherwise we will inform you personally. Your health and that of our employees are our top priority. For your and our protection, we are currently implementing stricter measures in addition to the regular strict hygiene guidelines.
Please note:
Please call our practice first and make an appointment by phone. In our practice we provide you with sufficient amounts of disinfectant and ask you to thoroughly disinfect your hands when entering the practice. If you can, please come to the practice by yourself. We ask accompanying persons / parents to wait outside the practice, e.g. in the car. We would be happy to inform you by phone about the status of the treatment.
Further measures:
- Disinfection of door handles, reception area and other areas,
- Ventilation of the waiting room and treatment rooms,
- adapted planning for a lower number of patients in the waiting room and shorter waiting times
If you suspect illness:
For your and our protection, please only contact us by telephone if you think an infection is possible. For example, because you have had contact with someone who is infected with corona or if you have symptoms. This also applies if you have already made an appointment with us. We will find a new appointment for your treatment. In addition, we recommend that you contact your general practitioner by telephone in the event of suspicion or, outside of his office hours, the medical on-call service on the nationwide telephone number 116 117.
We cannot treat patients who are acutely infected with corona in our practice!